Genealogical Society of Broward County
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Connecting Through Family Reunions
Sunday, March 9
Connecting Through Family Reunions
2:00 pm
Virtual via Zoom - Our speaker will be presenting via Zoom


Location: Alvin Sherman Library, on the Nova Southeastern University, 3100 Ray Ferrero Jr. Blvd., Davie, FL 33314. In-Person Only on the 2nd Floor, Lab A.
Time: Events are listed as Eastern Time below.
In-Person Only: 
     12:00 PM — Open Computer Lab:  Explore genealogy resources with hands-on support
             Register here
     1:30 PM — General Meeting & Social: Join us for  light refreshments, and society updates.

Hybrid — Attend In-person or Virtual (via Zoom):

     2:00 PM to 3:00 PM  — The speaker will be presenting virtually via Zoom followed by Q & A's. In-person Members and Guest will enjoy light refreshments while viewing our speaker on the big screen.

 Register here Then follow the following instrections:
  •  In-person attendance select BEGIN REGISTRATION (above in blue with white letters)
  • Online attendance select    ZOOM REGISTRATION (in blue) After registering you will receive a confirmation emailed with the link to join the webinar.

Topic: Connecting through family reunions. The intergenerational family reunion is an American tradition. This presentation provides an overview of this tradition and provides a “How To” Guide for your next event. Whether you hold an annual reunion, or a one-time event, planning and communication are the keys to a memorable family get-together.


Speaker: Robert Stevens earned his doctoral degree at Nova Southeastern University where he worked in the College of Education for 24 years, retiring in 2022. Dr. Stevens has been researching his family history for over 25 years. One branch has held an annual reunion since 1904. He has served as president and historian of the Hayes Family Reunion and recently helped organize its 120th reunion in Lawrenceburg, Indiana. He is glad to share his experience and suggestions to initiate your first intergenerational family reunion or enhance an ongoing tradition.

23 & Me:
Sunday, April 6
23 & Me: "There Must Be Some Mistake"
2:00 pm
Hybrid — Meet our speaker, and GSBC member Marie Etzler In-Person or Attend via Zoom
Location: Alvin Sherman Library, on the Nova Southeastern University, 3100 Ray Ferrero Jr. Blvd., Davie, FL 33314. In-Person Only on the 2nd Floor, Lab A.
Time: Events are listed as Eastern Time below.
In-Person Only: 
     12:00 PM — Open Computer Lab:  Explore genealogy resources with hands-on support
             Register here:
     1:30 PM — General Meeting & Social: Join us for  light refreshments, and society updates.

Hybrid (In-person or via Zoom): 

     2:00 PM to 3:00 PM  — The speaker will be presenting virtually via Zoom followed by Q & A's. In-person Members and Guest will enjoy light refreshments while viewing our speaker on the big screen.

       Register here: Then follow the following instrections:

  •  In-person attendance select BEGIN REGISTRATION (above in blue with white letters)
  • Online attendance select    ZOOM REGISTRATION (in blue) After registering you will receive a confirmation emailed with the link to join the webinar.

23 and Me: "There must be some Mistake". GSBC member Marie Etzler shares her family’s journey as what they thought were incorrect DNA results revealed a deep family secret. A mysterious email suggested that her husband was not who they thought he was. 


SpeakerMarie Etzler is a writer living in South Florida with her husband and two dogs. She has a Bachelor's degree from the University of South Florida and a Master's degree from the University of South Carolina. She published her first novel and is currently working on a new book about her husband's DNA story!

Broward County Goes to War: A brief history of Naval Air Station Ft. Lauderdale 1942-1946
Sunday, May 4
Broward County Goes to War: A brief history of Naval Air Station Ft. Lauderdale 1942-1946
Hybrid — Meet our speaker Chris Kail In-Person or attend via Zoom
Location: Alvin Sherman Library, on the Nova Southeastern University, 3100 Ray Ferrero Jr. Blvd., Davie, FL 33314. In-Person Only on the 2nd Floor, Lab A.
Time: Events are listed as Eastern Time below.
In-Person Only: 
     12:00 PM — Open Computer Lab:  Explore genealogy resources with hands-on support
             Register here:
     1:30 PM — General Meeting & Social: Join us for  light refreshments, and society updates.

Hybrid (In-person or via Zoom): 

     2:00 PM to 3:00 PM  — The speaker will be presenting virtually via Zoom followed by Q & A's. In-person Members and Guest will enjoy light refreshments while viewing our speaker on the big screen. 

  Register here:   Then follow the following instrections:

  •  In-person attendance select BEGIN REGISTRATION (above in blue with white letters)
  • Online attendance select    ZOOM REGISTRATION (in blue) After registering you will receive a confirmation emailed with the link to join the webinar.

Topic:  Broward County goes to War; A brief history of Naval Air Station Ft Lauderdale 1942-1946. Chris Kail, a docent at the museum, will give an overview of the history of Broward County in World War II and the crucial role of the Naval Air Station. The base was used for pilot instrument training, and advanced training in the Avenger torpedo bomber. Its most famous trainee was George HW Bush, who went on to become the 41st president of the United States. The museum is an important local resource for anyone interested in researching their family’s military service during the war.


Speaker: Chris Kail. “Having a lifelong interest in history and aviation, I joined the Museum as a Docent in May of 2023. The mix of WWII history in our midst, coupled with the opportunity of sharing this important part of Broward County history, made an irresistible opportunity for me. A county resident since 2002, I have spent most of my 40+ year career in the travel industry.  I reside in Pompano Beach, and I am delighted to be able to share the past and continuing mission of NASFL with the Society. “

Technology in Genealogy
Sunday, June 8
Technology in Genealogy
2:00 pm
Hybrid — Meet Our Speaker, Jen Hupf or attend via Zoom


Location: Alvin Sherman Library, on the Nova Southeastern University, 3100 Ray Ferrero Jr. Blvd., Davie, FL 33314. In-Person Only on the 2nd Floor, Lab A.
In-Person Only: 
     12:00 PM — Open Computer Lab:  Explore genealogy resources with hands-on support
             Register here:
     1:30 PM — General Meeting & Social: Join us for  light refreshments, and society updates.

Hybrid (In-person or via Zoom): 

     2:00 PM to 3:00 PM  — The speaker will be presenting virtually via Zoom followed by Q & A's. In-person Members and Guest will enjoy light refreshments while viewing our speaker on the big screen.

   Register here: Check back for updat   Then follow the following instrections:
  •  In-person attendance select BEGIN REGISTRATION (above in blue with white letters)
  • Online attendance select    ZOOM REGISTRATION (in blue) After registering you will receive a confirmation emailed with the link to join the webinar.

Topic: Technology in Genealogy. An overview of tools that can supercharge your family research with a focus on artificial intelligence (AI).


Speaker: Jen Hupf of Jen’s Genealogy is a Broward County resident who became interested in genealogy more than 30 years ago when looking for her grandmother’s ancestors. After a career in software development, Jen now does genealogy full-time with She completed the Boston University Genealogical Research program and is currently working to obtain the Certified Genealogist accreditation. Memberships include the Genealogical Society of Broward County, Florida State Genealogical Society, Connecticut Society of Genealogists, American Ancestors, United Empire Loyalists of Canada, National Genealogical Society, and the Association of Professional Genealogists.

Using FamilySearch Memories Online Tools
Sunday, July 13
Using FamilySearch Memories Online Tools
Hybrid — Meet Our Speaker, Torie Gawel Or Attend Via Zoom


Location: Alvin Sherman Library, on the Nova Southeastern University, 3100 Ray Ferrero Jr. Blvd., Davie, FL 33314. In-Person Only on the 2nd Floor, Lab A.
Time: Events are listed as Eastern Time below.
In-Person Only: 
     12:00 PM — Open Computer Lab:  Explore genealogy resources with hands-on support
             Register here:
     1:30 PM — General Meeting & Social: Join us for  light refreshments, and society updates.

Hybrid (In-person or via Zoom): 

     2:00 PM to 3:00 PM  — The speaker will be presenting virtually via Zoom followed by Q & A's. In-person Members and Guest will enjoy light refreshments while viewing our speaker on the big screen.

    Register here: Check back for updat   Then follow the following instrections:
  •  In-person attendance select BEGIN REGISTRATION (above in blue with white letters)
  • Online attendance select    ZOOM REGISTRATION (in blue) After registering you will receive a confirmation emailed with the link to join the webinar.

Topic: Using Memories tools. How and what to save to your FamilySearch account. Photos, documents and audio files can be attached to individuals and groups thus preserving them for posterity.


Speaker: Torie Gawel “I am a Florida native who has lived in several other states including New York, Utah and California. My husband and I returned to south Florida six years ago and are very happy to be here.  I have been involved in my family history journey for over 45 years. My lineage is mostly Scotland. I love connecting with others who enjoy finding their ancestors as much as I do. I am a Family History Consultant at the Hollywood Family Search Center where we provide assistance to everyone from beginners to experts.” 

Sunday, August 3
GSBC Summer Break!
2:00 pm
No Meeting due to GSBC taking a one month Summer Break!

The Kitchen is the Heart of a Family
Sunday, September 7
The Kitchen is the Heart of a Family
2:00 pm
Hybrid — Meet our Speaker, Tamara Hallo Or Attend Via Zoom
Location: Alvin Sherman Library, on the Nova Southeastern University, 3100 Ray Ferrero Jr. Blvd., Davie, FL 33314. In-Person Only on the 2nd Floor, Lab A.
Time: Events are listed as Eastern Time below.
In-Person Only: 
     12:00 PM — Open Computer Lab:  Explore genealogy resources with hands-on support
             Register here:
     1:30 PM — General Meeting & Social: Join us for  light refreshments, and society updates.

Hybrid (In-person or via Zoom): check back for update

     2:00 PM to 3:00 PM  — The speaker will be presenting virtually via Zoom followed by Q & A's. In-person Members and Guest will enjoy light refreshments while viewing our speaker on the big screen.

   Register here: Check back for updat   Then follow the following instrections:
  •  In-person attendance select BEGIN REGISTRATION (above in blue with white letters)
  • Online attendance select    ZOOM REGISTRATION (in blue) After registering you will receive a confirmation emailed with the link to join the webinar

Topic: The Kitchen is the Heart of a Family. From daily dinners to holiday gatherings, the kitchen is where family comes together. Learn how to make the most of this time together to discover more about your family and its traditions. Then, learn how easy it is to create and publish a family recipe book that can be passed down to future generations.


Speaker: Tamara Hallo, MLS, owner of Hallo Genealogy Services, LLC is an educator, librarian, and professional genealogist. Genealogy is her passion and a perfect complement to her repertoire. She has 30 years of experience as an educator, holds a Master in Library Science degree, and a certificate of genealogical research from Boston University. Tamara presents on genealogical topics to both in-person and virtual audiences and teaches genealogy classes throughout South Florida. She specializes in Southern United States and Miami, Florida research and is passionate about sharing genealogy with the community.

Sunday, October 5
GSBC South Florida Genealogy Fair
2:00 pm
Planning in progress
Celebrate Family History Month with representatives of local genealogy groups plus Ancestry, MyHeritage, Family Tree Maker, and LDS Family Search Center, with demonstrations & prizes.
Planns are still in progress, please check back! 

Sunday, November 9
GSBC Members & Guest share: Recipes and Holiday Traditions:
2:00 pm
Hybrid — In-person Or Attend Via Zoom
Location: Alvin Sherman Library, on the Nova Southeastern University, 3100 Ray Ferrero Jr. Blvd., Davie, FL 33314. In-Person Only on the 2nd Floor, Lab A.
Time: Events are listed as Eastern Time below.
In-Person Only: 
     12:00 PM — Open Computer Lab:  Explore genealogy resources with hands-on support
             Register here:
     1:30 PM — General Meeting & Social: Join us for  light refreshments, and society updates.

Hybrid (In-person or Virtual via Zoom): 

     2:00 PM to 3:00 PM  — The speaker will be presenting virtually via Zoom followed by Q & A's. In-person Members and Guest will enjoy light refreshments while viewing our speaker on the big screen.

     Register here: Check back for update

Topic: GSBC member share: Recipes and family holiday traditions

This is a follow up to the September presentation by Tamara Hallo on The Kitchen is the Heart of a Family. GSBC members will share their family recipes and traditions, which will be published in a booklet.


Creating an Ancestor Sketch
Sunday, December 7
Creating an Ancestor Sketch
2:00 pm to 3:00 pm
Virtual- Our speaker will be presenting via Zoom
Last chance to see Thomas MacEntee before he retires in 2025!
Location: Alvin Sherman Library, on the Nova Southeastern University, 3100 Ray Ferrero Jr. Blvd., Davie, FL 33314. In-Person Only on the 2nd Floor, Lab A.
Time: Events are listed as Eastern Time below.
In-Person Only: 
     12:00 PM — Open Computer Lab:  Explore genealogy resources with hands-on support
             Register here:
     1:30 PM — General Meeting & Social: Join us for  light refreshments, and society updates.

Hybrid (In-person on the big screen or via Zoom): 

     2:00 PM to 3:00 PM  — The speaker will be presenting virtually via Zoom followed by Q & A's. In-person Members and Guest will enjoy light refreshments while viewing our speaker on the big screen.

   Register here: Check back for updat   Then follow the following instrections:
  •  In-person attendance select BEGIN REGISTRATION (above in blue with white letters)
  • Online attendance select    ZOOM REGISTRATION (in blue) After registering you will receive a confirmation emailed with the link to join the webinar.

Topic:  Creating an Ancestor Sketch: Face it: most genealogists never get around to publishing that family history book based on their genealogy research. How about a different approach: producing short 3-5 page “sketches” about an ancestor? You’ll learn how to include a cover, photos, facts, family stories, source citations and more! And guess what, once you get a few of these ancestor sketches done, you can compile them together for one big book! Audience Level: Beginner – Expert. Handout: 4 pages. Highlights include Creating an Ancestor Sketch: Outline; Basic Elements of an Ancestor Biography Sketch; Ancestor Sketch Formats; Importing Genealogy Research Information; Source Citation, Copyrighted Material, and Credits; Documenting Family Stories; Tips, Tricks, and Tools; Resource List



Speaker:  Thomas MacEntee, author, educator, student, advocate, marketer, storyteller, entrepreneur and that “genealogy guy” who helps you accomplish your family history goals. Having taught over 1,000 in-person and virtual genealogy lectures since 2010, serving on the boards of many genealogical societies, organizing a group of over 1,000 genealogy bloggers, and helping researchers save money on genealogy products and services, Thomas is ready for the next chapter in his professional journey: changing the way genealogists acquire new research skills, motivating researchers to take a chance on new technologies, and improving how family stories and heirlooms are preserved and passed on to the next generations. Connect with Thomas MacEntee at